Video Production: Everything You Need To Know

In this day and age, video is everywhere and the capability to create one is more democratized than ever. In fact, Cisco declared some time ago that video was on track to make up more than 82% of consumer traffic by 2022. However, there are still a good amount of businesses that are still not using video marketing to its full potential.

This could be because they believe their business functions well without video marketing, or it could be because people are intimidated by the prospect of creating videos based on misconceptions that are far from the truth. In this blog post, we are going to break down the video production process and tell you everything you need to know about it but first, let’s define what exactly is video production?

What is Video Production?

The term video production is quite self-explanatory. It involves the entire process of creating a video from beginning to end. The process is relatively the same for different mediums. The phases of video production are always the same, whether it’s for advertisement or entertainment.

There is a difference between video production and film production. Although they share the same three phases, film has a much broader scope and has a main purpose to entertain artistically.

Where many videos are going to be less than 10 minutes long, full-length films tend to be between 90 to 150 minutes long. This of course has a lot of implications on the difference of cost between video and film where video tends to need less of a budget than a film. Now that we have a general understanding of video production, let’s go into more detail on the different stages.

What Are The Stages Of Video Production?

There are many different steps to take to successfully create a video that is high-quality and meets the goals set for it. These steps are usually separated into three different stages: pre-production, production, and post-production. However, this is still a broad way to look at video production and it leaves out a lot of details that go on within each stage. First, let’s take a look at the phase of pre-production.


The pre-production phase is where the plan and scope of the project are formed. The phase is called pre-production because this is where you plan and prepare for the video shoot before getting on set and actually filming anything. There is a lot that happens within pre-production alone so let’s break it down further.

Idea Development

A production always begins with an idea. For video production, that idea has to please the target audience while also providing your business with a return on investment. A good idea in itself will not make a video successful. It’s best to outline everything you need the video to do in a document called a video brief.

A video brief (otherwise known as a video production creative brief) explains how the video will fit into your business model and overall marketing strategy. It usually contains six things.
  • The goals of the video: What effect do you want to have on the audience or what action do you want them to take?
  • The target audience for the video: Who is the core demographic? How narrow are you targeting?
  • The message for the video: The message could also be described as the idea behind the video. What is the core message that you are trying to convey to the audience?
  • Video content type: There are many different types of videos that you can make for your business, which is a topic we will discuss later in the blog post. The content type will determine the tone, style, and overall feel of your video.
  • The planned distribution: How will you distribute your video? How will your audience watch it?
  • The deadline and budget: The time frame and budget for the video will define the scope of the video you are creating.

Video Scripting and Previsualization

After you have created a brief and have a good understanding of the video you are trying to create, it’s time to create a video script. A video script could similarly be described as a detailed blueprint. It is the script’s job to outline the different scenes, dialogue, narration, action, and the order in which they all happen.

Read More: How To Create a Video Script

Storyboards and shotlists are then used to visualize the video in pre-production. Previsualization documents like these are useful for getting the cast and crew on the same page before filming.

Planning and Preparation

Finally, it is time to find the locations, talent, and equipment. Every one of these elements can make or break a video and it’s important to make sure that you have everything you need on the day of filming.

The ideal location for most scenarios has plenty of room, great natural lighting, and an interesting background. For talent, know their lines or the questions that will be asked, are comfortable on the camera, and that they dress appropriately. How talent and crew dress is critical.

Read More: What To Wear and How To Prepare For a Video Production Shoot

Equipment like the camera and the lighting is a major factor in the production value for the video. Production value is a term used in the video industry to reference the overall technical quality of a video. Basically how it looks and sounds. Plan out the equipment beforehand and use a checklist if need be to keep track of it.

Once you have finished planning and preparing for the video production shoot, it is time to begin filming the video.


The production phase is where the filming begins and ends. It’s where footage is captured to then be sent to the editing bay. It’s also arguably the most fun and creative part of the video production process. The production phase usually involves many different tasks done by different crew members.
  • Setting up the camera and audio.
  • Lighting the scene or location.
  • Preparing talent.
  • Capturing A and B-roll footage with audio.
  • Recording voice-over narrations.
  • Packing up the equipment and leaving the location.

What are A and B-roll footage?

A-roll is the primary footage being captured on set by the videographer. Without A-roll there would be no video. B-roll, on the other hand, is supplemental and only enhances the primary footage.

Depending on the scope of the video project, the production phase can last anywhere from a couple of hours to months. The number of crew members will also determine how many hats you wear on set. Usually, on larger productions, each crew member has a specific role that they don’t deviate from but on smaller sets, you could work on the lighting, audio, and camera in a matter of minutes.

Post Production

There’s an old-school adage in the film industry that a film is made three times: on the page, on set, and in editing. The same could apply to video production. Three different videos are being made however the edited video is the only one that matters. Post-production is where you compile all of the footage captured from the production phase and figure out how well it correlates with the script and previsualization.

There will inevitably be changes and those changes need to be in line with the core idea behind the video. Attention to detail and efficiency will come into play here for editors to have the video submitted and reviewed before the deadline.

After the video is finished being edited and approved, then comes the strategy to distribute and market it. The plan should have already been discussed in pre-production, and now it’s about putting it into action.

What Are The 5 Types Of Video Production?

The video content type impacts how your target audience will see the video produced and the overall audience that can be targeted by it. It will also influence the tone, style, and approach to a video’s production, which means that you should choose a video content type before even writing the video script. So, what are the five video content types?
  1. Live Event or Live Stream
    A video for a live event could be an award ceremony, a musical performance, or a lecture. It could also be a live stream video on social media for prospects.
  2. Animation
    With animations, the sky’s the limit with the videos you could create. However, animations take some time and money to make. Animations are best used as explainer videos where they can explain a product or concept to an audience.
  3. Educational
    Educational videos may seem uninteresting to many people, but a good amount of online videos are dedicated to educating audiences about different subjects. Audiences enjoy learning new things and prefer videos to be the one that educates them. Educational videos consist of explainer videos, tutorials, how-tos, unboxing videos, real estate tour videos, etc.
  4. TV Commercial
    Commercials are the types of video that everyone is familiar with. We have grown up watching the advertisements interrupt our programs with attempts to stand out. Typically, commercials have tight time constrictions that are 15, 30, or 45 seconds.
  5. Documentary
    When you think of documentaries, you may think of mellow voiceovers and slow takes on old photographs. However, documentaries have evolved to become more dynamic and creative to watch. Documentaries are defined as a nonfiction movie that captures reality in some way. Documentaries can also be used by businesses to communicate their brand’s values or tell their brand’s story.
  6. Corporate Videos
    Corporate videos are mostly used for internal and external business communication. For example, training videos, investor videos, recruitment videos, etc.
  7. Social Media Videos
    Nowadays, social media is one of the best ways to reach audiences depending on the demographic. In 2020, over 223 million Americans were engaging with social media and that number will only grow. For comparison, there are roughly 330 million citizens in the U.S. altogether. Social media videos can be a great way to tap into this market and develop a strong following.
  8. Testimonial Videos
    Having a written testimonial is a great way to provide credibility for your product or service. However, having a video testimonial is even better. In fact, 89% of marketers have stated that video testimonials are their most effective content marketing strategy.

How Much Does Video Production Cost?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a clear answer when defining how much video production costs. The cost can vary from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands depending on the length, the type of video, and the cast/crew needed. However, we can look at where all of the expenses are going to come from during a video production to set your expectations.
  • Video scripting or pre-production services
  • The cost of the locations and how many there are
  • The number of crew members needed and the number of days needed for
  • On-screen and voice-over talent
  • Music if licensed
  • Travel costs for complex shoots (Hotels, transportation, food, etc.)
  • Video editing costs
  • Production and post-production equipment
Generally, it is believed that the higher the production value, the higher the budget and the more effective the video will be. However, marketers are realizing that this is not necessarily true and videos with lower production value can be just as effective because it’s not about the look of the video, it’s about the content itself.

Why Is Video Important?

Humans are visual creatures by nature. We are visual learners. Visual information processing, in fact, makes up half of the human brain, which is a primary factor in the evolution of the video and film industry.

Previously, it was stated by Cisco that by 2022 86% of consumer internet traffic will be for video. For comparison, in 2019, 60% of consumer internet traffic was for video. Video marketing is only growing along with the internet and social media and in most cases, video will grab attention more than any other form of media.

Jungle Films has years of experience in video production and can work with you to create a video that meets your needs. Whether you need a corporate video, a marketing video, or something else, we can help. Contact us today!
Sam Mikhail

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